I'm awake LORD..."Please show me your glory" esv.to/Ex33.18-19
God woke me up a little before 6am this morning and invited me to spend time just listening to His encouragement and truth.
This comes on the heels of exhortation through the sermon from Blake Chilton, Student Pastor at The Village, Flower Mound campus.
The text was Exodus 33.
The Israelites have just been rebuked for trusting in themselves, creating and worshipping an idol (the golden calf). They are commanded to leave Sinai and go "to the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
God declares He will drive out their enemies and He will send an angel with them, but His presence will not be with them because of their sin...the people are distraught! (and rightly so)
Moses, instead of hiding and hanging his head, approaches the LORD in humility.
Moses goes to God and asks for His presence and then goes a step further and asks to see His glory
Do I live this way?
Do I desperately seek the presence and glory of God - even when I have sinned? Do I move away and try to clean up first?
Am I prone to move forward without Him?
Am I so self-sufficient that His presence is an additive rather than a necessity?
Would I rather have more of Him or more of His stuff?
Does the thought of a day or moment without the presence of God grieve me?
Do I live out the distinction of a reconciled life?
Am I on mission?
"And [Moses] said to [the LORD], 'If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here. For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight...Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people from every other people on the face of the earth?'" ~ Ex 33:15-16
~ Count it All Joy ~
in His grace and mercy
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