From the orientation materials:
This program is centered on the gospel and offers biblical counsel alone. The hope the world offers falls short of God’s plan for redeeming the world and for recovering what has been marred because of sin. Our hope is to engage the culture around us, with its different beliefs and ideologies, with the hope that can be found solely in the gospel of Jesus ChristI am already a believer in Christ, so the opportunity to go deeper in my relationship with Him and be further transformed is exciting!
If you are already a believer in Christ, we trust that God might use this program to enrich your relationship with Him, grow in your understanding of the rhythm and order that He has ordained us to ideally function in and grow in your love for Him and others.
Regardless of what you believe at this point, you are welcome to stay with us as you investigate the claims of Christ, seek to understand the hope that God has sent into the world and the implications of that hope in the lives of those who put their trust in Him. Skeptics are welcome and we are not offended by your questions. We trust that God will accomplish His plan in you and are glad you are here
Just before going into the study last night, I searched the Bible for scripture containing the word "reveal". Daniel 2:22 spoke to my heart:
he [God] reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what is in the darkness,and the light dwells with him.
One step at a time...
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